
I wrote this article to help others who don’t understand why Final Tagless is important, and to guide in how to reason about a DSL in a way that makes Final Tagless an appropriate solution. I was stuck in a situation when, once I was learning about Final Tagless, I didn’t understand how it should be applied to my projects or if it even could. This article mainly aligns with the process I went through to solve these issues.

Side notes are aimed toward readers familiar with cats and programming with higher kinded types.

If you are more familiar with “Final Tagless Algebra” than “Final Tagless Language,” note that I will be more commonly using the latter, even though the former is more correct.

If you already understand what a DSL is and how to write programs using monad composition, you can skip to An Overview of Final Tagless.

What is a DSL?

DSL stands for “Domain-Specific Language.” While the literal definition encompasses languages like PostScript, made for printing, and Verilog, made for hardware, a more general and commonly used definition includes any set of operations (Turing-completeness disregarded).

A common example of a DSL is a calculator:

object Calculator {

  def add(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b
  def subtract(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a - b


We can very easily perform arbitrary operations with our calculator:

Calculator.add(1, 2)
// => 3

  Calculator.add(2, 3),
// => 1


A Monad is any sort of data structure or container that defines these two operations:

trait Monad[M[_]] {
  def pure[A](a: A): M[A]
  def flatMap[A, B](ma: M[A])(f: A => M[B]): M[B]

Various other behaviors can be derived from these definitions:

def map[A, B](ma: M[A])(f: A => B): M[B] = flatMap(ma)(pure compose f)
def flatten[A](mma: M[M[A]]): M[A] = flatMap(mma)(identity)
def ap[A, B](ma: M[A])(mf: M[A => B]): M[B] = flatMap(mf)(map(ma))

For example, List is a Monad:

def pure[A](a: A): List[A] = a :: Nil
def flatMap[A, B](la: List[A])(f: A => List[B]): List[B] =
  la match {
    case Nil => Nil
    case head :: tail => f(head) ::: flatMap(tail)(f)

So is Option:

def pure[A](a: A): Option[A] = Some(a)
def flatMap[A, B](oa: Option[A])(f: A => Option[B]): Option[B] =
  oa match {
    case None => None
    case Some(value) => f(value)

The State Monad

The State Monad describes a transformation over some state, S, with a result of A:

type State[S, +A] = S => (S, A)

Note that State is a Monad on A, not on S!

To prove that State is a Monad, we can write definitions for pure and flatMap:

implicit def stateMonad[S]: Monad[State[S, *]] = new Monad[State[S, *]] {
  def pure[A](a: A): State[S, A] =
    s => (s, a)
  def flatMap[A, B](sa: State[S, A])(f: A => State[S, B]) =
    originalS => {
      val (newS, value) = sa(originalS)
      val newState = f(value)

Purity and Side Effects

A concept that comes up often in functional programming is that of purity, because it not only helps compilers optimize programs but helps humans understand what certain functions can do.

One part of purity is referential transparency. For example, with

def myValue: Int = 3

it could be said that myValue is referentially transparent, because it returns the same value for the same input (similar to the concept of a mathematical function). However, it could not be said with

def myValueImpure: Int = {

that myValueImpure is referentially transparent, because it will return different values for the same input.

The second part of purity is whether a function causes a side effect. A side effect is any call/function/procedure that changes or requires external state. Examples of side effects are:

  • Printing a line
  • Reading a file
  • Making a web request
  • Calling another executable

The State Monad as Computation

Let’s create a Monad, IO, that is a State on the RealWorld:

type IO[A] = State[RealWorld, A]

Here, RealWorld is entirely hypothetical, and we will have a hypothetical “macro” called impure that turns a codeblock which returns A into one which returns IO[A]. For example:

def puts(str: String): IO[Unit] = impure(println(str))
val gets: IO[String] = impure(Stdio.readLine())

We also have a hypothetical IOApp that can pass an initial RealWorld to any IO:

object Echo extends IOApp {
  override def run: IO[Unit] = gets.flatMap(puts)

puts, gets, and run are all pure, because for the same RealWorld, they’ll behave the same way and output the same value!

An Overview of Final Tagless

Final Tagless is composed of three parts:

  • The Language[Wrapper[_]]
  • The Interpreter <: Language[α]
  • The Program[Result]

Let’s take an example where we can increment numbers:

trait Language[Wrapper[_]] {
  def lift(number: Int): Wrapper[Int]
  def increment(a: Wrapper[Int]): Wrapper[Int]

This language enables two things: lifting a Scala Int into a wrapped Int, and incrementing a wrapped Int. We can implement this language purely like so:

type Id[A] = A // Id is short for Identity
object PureInterpreter extends Language[Id] {
  def lift(number: Int): Int = number // Id[Int] => Int
  def increment(a: Int): Int = a + 1

We can also create an interpreter that does not calculate anything, but instead records our operations in string form:

type AlwaysString[A] = String
object StringInterpreter extends Language[AlwaysString] {
  def lift(number: Int): String = // AlwaysString[Int] => String
  def increment(a: String): String = s"inc $a"

Side note: Any Language where it is possible to implement an interpreter with Id as its Wrapper also has an implementation for any Monad as its Wrapper via pure and map/flatMap/mapN.

Lastly, we can model programs that take arbitrary interpreters:

trait Program[Result] {
  def apply[Wrapper[_]](interpreter: Language[Wrapper]): Wrapper[Result]

And construct them like so:

object IncrementFive extends Program[Int] {
  def apply[Wrapper[_]](interpreter: Language[Wrapper]): Wrapper[Int] =

We can easily apply any interpreter to a program:

IncrementFive(PureInterpreter)   // => 6: Int
IncrementFive(StringInterpreter) // => "inc 5": String

The Evolution

Let’s write a simple calculator DSL. The first step to writing a DSL is to handle the simplest case:

object Calculator {

  def add(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b
  def subtract(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a - b
  def multiply(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a * b
  def divide(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a / b

  def show(num: Int): String = num.toString


This calculator is great, but it can’t output Lisp. Let’s fix that by building another calculator:

object LispCalculator {

  def add(a: String, b: String): String = s"(+ $a $b)"
  def subtract(a: String, b: String): String = s"(- $a $b)"
  def multiply(a: String, b: String): String = s"(* $a $b)"
  def divide(a: String, b: String): String = s"(/ $a $b)"

  def show(l: String): String = l


Well, we have a calculator that outputs Lisp, but its not very interchangable with our normal calculator. It takes a lot of effort to interchange them, and we can put non-numbers into LispCalculator:

val addTwoThree: Int    = Calculator.add(2, 3)
val addTwoThree: String = LispCalculator.add("2", "3")

val unwanted: String = LispCalculator.add("apples", "oranges")

The First Step

The first problem is that calculators don’t share behavior. We want to have the ability to define calculators in a generic way:

// A is short for Arithmetic
// S is short for Show
trait Calculator[A, S] {

  def add(a: A, b: A): A
  def subtract(a: A, b: A): A
  def multiply(a: A, b: A): A
  def divide(a: A, b: A): A

  def show(a: A): S


We can copy over our old pure calculator, as well as our Lisp calculator:

object PureCalculator extends Calculator[Int, String] { /* ... */ }

object LispCalculator extends Calculator[String, String] { /* ... */ }

However, we run into two new problems with generic computation. It’s impossible to define a return type for calculate that lets the Calculation both perform arithmetic as well as show, and its impossible for calculate to do anything in the first place as it doesn’t know how to make values of type A or S:

trait Calculation {

  def calculate[A, S](calculator: Calculator[A, S]): ???


The Second Step

The second problem is that that there’s no way to define a generic computation. We can solve this by making our calculations and calculator taking some sort of wrapper type that handles arithmetic, show, and any types that may be added in the future, as well as defining a calculator method to lift arithmetic values:

trait Calculator[Wrapper[_]] {

  def lift(value: Int): Wrapper[Int]

  def add(a: Wrapper[Int], b: Wrapper[Int]): Wrapper[Int]
  def subtract(a: Wrapper[Int], b: Wrapper[Int]): Wrapper[Int]
  def multiply(a: Wrapper[Int], b: Wrapper[Int]): Wrapper[Int]
  def divide(a: Wrapper[Int], b: Wrapper[Int]): Wrapper[Int]

  def show(a: Wrapper[Int]): Wrapper[String]


trait Calculation[Result] {

  def apply[Wrapper[_]](calculator: Calculator[Wrapper]): Wrapper[Result]


This is now a simple Final Tagless DSL! By having the basic goals of generic computation and generic interpretation, we’ve gone from an incredibly basic DSL to a still basic, but incredibly powerful one.

Implementing calculators and calculations is super easy, and in fact we can still copy over most of our other code:

type Id[A] = A
object PureCalculator extends Calculator[Id] {

  def lift(value: Int): Id[Int] = // Id[Int] => Int

  // ...


type AlwaysString[A] = String
object LispCalculator extends Calculator[AlwaysString] {

  def lift(value: Int): AlwaysString[Int] = // AlwaysString[Int] => String

  // ...


object TwoPlusThree extends Calculation[Int] {

  def apply[Wrapper[_]](calculator: Calculator[Wrapper]): Wrapper[Int] =
    calculator.add(calculator.lift(2), calculator.lift(3))


TwoPlusThree(PureCalculator) // => 5: Int
TwoPlusThree(LispCalculator) // => "(+ 2 3)": String

Using IO in Calculator

Say we want to run calculations by doing web requests. That’s a side effect, so we need to do it with IO:

object WebreqCalculator extends Calculator[IO] {

  def lift(value: Int): IO[Int] = IO.pure(value)

  def add(a: IO[Int], b: IO[Int]): IO[Int] =
    a.flatMap(aVal => b.flatMap(bVal => fetch(s"$aVal/$bVal"))
  // etc


The beauty of using IO for this is that it keeps its properties, even when passed through a Tagless DSL:

TwoPlusThree(WebreqCalculator) // => IO(...): IO[Int]
// No web requests made yet!

object RunTwoPlusThree extends IOApp {
  override def run: IO[Unit] =
    // Does web requests, prints the result


Always start with the most basic version of your DSL. Then try to generify it with a hodge-podge of type variables, then see if you can move that to a wrapper style.

As an exercise, I recommend creating a DSL that handles a simple party game, with interpreters for both evaluating the state of the party game as well as outputting a log of the state changes. For example, Uno might look something along the lines of:

case class UnoState(
  current: Card,
  numPlayers: Int,
  players: List[UnoPlayer],
  drawDeck: List[Card]

trait Uno[W[_]] {

  def newGame(numPlayers: Int): W[UnoState]


Side note: another good exercise is to take the Calculator code here and make a MonadCalculator that works for any M: Monad.